So it has been a while....
Hi everyone!
As per usual it’s been a while since I last wrote anything here. Life has been taking a toll on me for the past couple of months. Progress on anything has been slow even my life almost had to take a break just to make everything work together. But hopefully, I’m back on track again and ill try to write something in every category down below me.
General Life Update:
So how has my life been running by me for the past couple of months? Well, that is a long question to answer but ill try. It started with me being sent to another city to do some kind of education for work. So I sent over a month away from my own apartment and had difficulty working on anything. And it doesn’t stop there, after that I was sent to two more courses to get more educated. And last but not least when I was back at my normal workplace I was thrown into a 2-day course at work just because they has some extra room for me. So that is kind of why I haven’t had a lot of time to work on my other projects for a while.
But after that, I had some time to spend for myself to work on my projects and prepare for Christmas and New Year’s which I spent with family and friends. And to be honest I kind of needed some time off just to relax and gather my thoughts. So my holidays went really smoothly and it was the first year that I spent both Christmas and New Year’s like myself. It was a nice feeling at least and for the first time I felt happy and I could actually enjoy myself. But after that, I had to travel back home and start preparing for work again. And so the days flew by me working on my projects and waiting for work to start again. And that is sort of most of the time between this post and the last post.
GameDev Update:
So over here at the game dev part. This update is going to be kind of small because I haven’t really done much progress here because of the engine taking up most of the time. But I did at least have some time to spend at my new “Trello” board to prepare myself for what I need to do when I start my game dev projects. Yes, there are two projects that I’m currently thinking of. I don’t want to go into detail on any of the projects yet because I don’t even know if any of them will stay, but I have at least written down quite some stuff about them.
BitEngine Update:
So here at the BitEngine update part of the blog, there might be quite a lot to talk about but I will try to keep it short and concise. So I can start with that I started working on the 3D renderer for the engine. There is quite a lot to refactor and change just to make it work but I’m chipping away at it one part at a time just to make sure that it hopefully works for when I can show something for it. But at the moment it’s not working, so for the meanwhile, it has to be a secret on why and how it works. The 3D renderer is currently hiding in another branch on my GitHub page so it might be a bit outdated from the main branch of the project when I’m done with it but that is a problem for future me.
So on to the 2D part of the engine. There have been a few things added and fixed, to start off with something let’s talk about the big update. The engine now has physics and collision, YAY. but to be on the serious side the engine has both of these things thanks to Box2D, it’s a 2D physics engine that’s really easy to implement. The only thing I had to do was to import Box2D into my project and then just create a few components for the ECS. after that I just had to do some small code for when the physics should be simulated and stopped. This also brings me to the next feature that I implemented, but we will get to that. After those things were implemented, I just had to build the engine and test the physics and collision out and it seems to work perfectly in my engine. So back to the feature that I talked about a few lines up. For the engine to know when I want the physics to be simulated I had to implement a runtime and an edit time state for the engine. So I had to serialize the editor scene to make a copy of it and put it in the runtime scene so that when you stop the runtime the scene would go back to normal and not just pause the scene as it was run.
I might have worded that wrong but o well English ain’t my native language so u have to deal with it.
So after all that I just had to implement the play and stop button. After this, I had to work a bit on the renderer because Box2D has no way of visualizing the collisions that are used. So I had to implement some line renderers and some circle renderers and after that, I just had to do some math to make those line up with the magic invisible collider that box2d uses. So after all this work, I had physics and colliders that are visualized in the editor working.
That is kind of everything that I had time to implement since last time. It’s not a lot but as I said before I have been out of town a lot for the last couple of months so I kind of expected it to be a shorter update.
So for next time I really want to do some small work on the engine. Things like start documenting everything from my engine and making some sort of test game for the engine. But to make a test game I kind of need a way to write code in the editor. It would just be a hassle to stop the engine to write some code and then build it just to see that the code I wrote doesn’t work. So ill do some research on how to implement some sort of code editor to the engine.
But that will be it for me this week. I’ll try to write something next week as well but I can’t promise anything.
Thank you for reading thru this and have a wonderful week