Im back in buissness
So recently I have been absent from…life I guess. I have had my hands full from work and personal stuff so I haven’t really had time to fix my website/blog, nor have I had time to code or write to this blog. So this is going to be a fresh restart for me.
I will try to write to this blog once every other day or once every week to keep some sort of record of what I am doing and not doing.
General Life Update:
So from the top then, I can start with some general life updates on myself. I have now been working for the Swedish army for about 1,5 years in total, I still love it and I whould’t trade it in for any other job;
My social life is currently on the downfall tho; Due to covid I haven’t really had the opportunity to go out and meet up with a lot of friends, family and close once but I hope that I can get the vaccine to change that soon;
More to the other side of life, I am a mess and I need to change my habits of cleaning my apartment for once XD
Some of my new year’s resolutions:
Sort out my economy (so that I might be able to buy a house or buy my own apartment)
Work hard and code more than last year
Get better at cleaning
Spend more time with close once
Altho my list is quite small, it is reasonable for my standard; work usually takes up most of my living time and can be quite stressful;
Recently I have been working on my cooking skill; They are far from perfect, but I am working on them;
My spending habits haven’t really changed, altho I don’t have a lot of money from the beginning; As fast as I get some, it usually disappears on rent and basic needs stuff;
I also now have a plant named Jeffry; He is the best plant and i hope that i can take care of him; But only the future will tell how he survives
BitEngine Update:
So some BitEngine Updates; A general orientation on what BitEngine is, it is suppose to be a small “in house” rendering engine for my use to make some small-time games or other stuff; At the moment it cant really render anything other than standard ImGui stuff; Currently it supports OpenGL rendering if I could call it that; But i’m planning on adding support of other rendering apis like Vulkan;
The current goal for it is to make a story game; I don’t want to go into details about what the game is suppose to be because that would spoil it ;) But that is the general idea on what i’m going to use it directly after I fell like I can use it for something; I will of course still work on it and make it better and keep it updated for future use;
Back to what I currently need to do with it; The first thing I need to do is to figure out what I last did on it, and that might take some time because 26 000+ lines of code are quite a lot for one person to process;
But after that, I need to start working on some sort of better rendering for it; The current way of rendering is just to dump information and render it immediately; Witch takes a lot of resources to do, and there are a lot of better way to render stuff on the screen without doing a million render calls; I’m currently thinking that batch rendering might be a good option;
After that I might need some way of rendering text and/or texture; <- side note, textures might actually be a thing that I have already implemented but because I haven’t checked the codebase in a while i’m not sure;
I know that I have implemented some sort of shader support for it; I don’t know how good it is, but i know that it exists;
So yeah, that is the current plan at least; I have to start small and work my self up, so I don’t get to much work on my shoulders; If you want to know more about what i’m currently working on, I will leave a Trello link here so that you can check on the progress;
So in conclusion, it feels great to be back to the blog life, and I look forward to the future and to be looking back at this to see what I have done and how my life has been; of course, thank you for reading this and leave a comment or two if u have any question; I will try to answer them as fast as possible or if I feel like I need to answer them in more detail I will answer them in the next post;
Have a great future, and be on the lookout for when the next post get out :)
Dont give up, life may be dificult right now but there is always green grass on the other side of the hill. Hold out and stay safe.